Paper Submission

The online submission for the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (AIIT 2025) is now open. The deadline for Paper Submission is 23 Nov 2024. All submissions must be made online via the conference’s easychair.

All other submission types (such as email) will NOT be accepted.

Articles submitted to the AIIT 2025 conference must strictly observe these guidelines, otherwise, the author(s) will be asked to revise and resubmit, thereby incurring delays in processing. You will also find it useful to read the submission guidelines, to ensure that your paper meets the conference style requirements. Your article should be submitted as a Microsoft Office Word .doc or .docx file, using the Microsoft Office Word template provided, with figures and tables included in the text.

Registration and Publication Fees: Free


  1. Abstract: The maximum of 200-word abstract should be a summary of the work, which will be included in the Conference Proceedings if the paper is accepted.
  2. Keywords: A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 keywords may be selected.
  3. Manuscript: The manuscript should follow the two-column style that includes all the text, abstract, title, authors, equations, tables, photographs, drawings, figures, and references.
  4. Figures / Diagrams: Figures or Diagrams submitted should be clear and of decent quality.
  5. Tables Tables submitted should be editable in word file and not as images.
  6. Double-Blind Paper: The authors should not include their names, affiliations, postal addresses, and email addresses in the initial manuscript.
  7. Manuscript Template: Submissions must follow standard conference templates .
  8. Proofreading: The article should be thoroughly reviewed for proper grammar before being submitted.
  9. Citations and References: Authors should follow the reference style. style is a numbered referencing style that uses citation numbers in the text of the paper, provided in square brackets. You may look up guidelines for reference style to learn about it.
  10. Plagiarism All research works should be carefully referenced. More information to avoid plagiarism is listed below.
  11. Duplicate submissions: The article should not be submitted elsewhere simultaneously. Additional information about duplicate submissions is given below.
  12. Acknowledgment: You may acknowledge any institutions or funding organizations that supported the submission or preparation of the manuscript.
  13. Participation: at least one of the authors of every accepted paper must register and attend the conference. The participant(s) should provide the requirements for Visa application (CV), Copy of Passport to be submitted with the paper during submission.


All articles submitted for publication must record original work which has not been published previously. Any alleged cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to the AIIT 2025 conference and Policy concerning Plagiarism, Infringement of Copyright and Infringement of Moral Rights, and Submission to Multiple Publications outlets. The overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 20%, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 5%.

The policy on Plagiarism is available at Policy on Plagiarism

Multiple submissions: The AIIT 2025 conference and do not permit manuscripts included in its conference proceedings to be simultaneously under review for another conference, journal, or other forms of publication. Once a case of multiple submissions has been established, the paper(s) in question will be immediately declined for publication by the AIIT 2025 conference, followed by appropriate disciplinary action.

The policy on multiple submissions is available at Policy on Multiple Submission


Accepted paper will be submitted for inclusion into Xplore subject to meeting Xplore's scope and quality requirements and will own the copyright to the conference publication.

Final Manuscript (Camera-ready) - Submission Guidelines

  1. Upon acceptance, at least one of the authors listed in the paper must attend the AIIT 2025 conference and present the paper according to the schedule of the conference. In the event that the presenter is unable to attend the AIIT 2025 conference for any reason, your accepted paper will not be considered for submission of the proceeding to the Xplore.
  2. At least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for the AIIT 2025 conference to upload the final manuscript. The final manuscript must be prepared based on reviewers’ comments and according to the AIIT 2025 conference submission guidelines.

For more information kindly contact Dr. Asad Ali Shah (